Media Release - Pedestiquette
The following announcement from an affiliated pressure group has been passed onto us for circulation...
In Feet First! we are dedicated to advocacy for pedestrians and challenging wheel privilege in all its forms. But we want it to be known that we do more than just make demands. We are also prepared to offer something back in the form of reviving pedestrian etiquette. We vow to show respect for our fellow pedestrians by committing to the following behaviours whilst walking among them:
5. If we need to look at our mobile devices, we'll find space out of the way in which to stop and do so.
4. If we are entering into a busy walkway, for instance by exiting a shop, we will give way to those already walking there.
3. If we are walking as part of a group, we won't occupy the entire width of the walkway.
2. At all times we will scan the space ahead of us for other persons and objects and adjust our course accordingly.
1. And, If possible, we will keep to the left, while overtaking on the right, just like they still do on Melbourne escalators.
Almost everybody is a pedestrian now-and-then so this 'pedestiquette' will be a wonderful thing for the general public. And while others focus on issues of global disaster we are showing that we can address those tiny but frustrating things that happen every day. So put your fellow walkers first by adopting these five behaviours from Feet First!
See! Even at the margins of political movements one can occasionally find a hint of common sense.