Me First!

The joke political party just for me...


Policy - Votes For Children! Yay!

Me First! has a Negative Income Tax policy (if you are below a particular level of income you are credited rather than debited tax) which is elegant but handicaps us in that we cannot do all the usual vote-buying that happens in politics. Or can we? Do voters only want riches or do they want power too? We shall test this on the greedy and demanding 'family' demographic with this radical new policy.

For every child you have Me First! will give you an extra vote! As long as you have custody of your child you will get to exercize that extra vote till that child becomes a legal adult and takes on responsibility for that vote themselves. The bigger your family the more votes you will get to cast as a parent! For the sake of convience every odd numbred extra vote will go to the eldest parent in a given family (so if you have three children then the elder parent will have the first and third vote while the younger parent will have the second vote).

This is fantastic for all those struggling Mums and Dads in voter land. Suddenly you have the political clout you deserve as nurturers of the next generation. But beware! The governent will be monitoring you to make sure you are worthy parents. Abusive or negligent parants can have children taken from them and into the care of the state. Now if that happens you will also lose those extra votes!

But once those votes exist on the electoral roll somebody has to cast them. Under Me First! policy the government will exercize the votes of all wards of the state. This will provide governments with the incentive they need to police parental behaviour stringently. Finally we will have governments that truly "think of the children" because every child is another unit of electoral power.

So remember Mum and Dad - Me First! giveth and Me First! taketh away. Mwahahaha...